Kalon Oros Estate | Organic, Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Products Kefalonia

Kalon Oros Estate | Organic, Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Products Kefalonia

27511 Visitors:
Address: Karya Erisos, Kefalonia
Area: Kefalonia
Telephone: 2674051862
Mobile: 6937199938
P.C.: 28084
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
At Kalon Oros estate located in Karya, Erissos, Kefalonia, a number of organic, aromatic plants are cultivated, collected and dried in order to produce aromatic oils and be sold and distributed around greece. In the production and processing unit of the Organic Aromatic & Pharmaceutical plants that our family buisness has, you will find lavender, oregano, rosemary, marjoram, mint, thyme, sage, camomile, mountain tea and essential oils of lavender, rosemary, thyme, oregano and laurel ...
27511 Visitors:

Karya Erisos, Kefalonia, Kefalonia

27511 Visitors:

At Kalon Oros estate located in Karya, Erissos, Kefalonia, a number of organic, aromatic plants are cultivated, collected and dried in order to produce aromatic oils and be sold and distributed around greece.

In the production and processing unit of the Organic Aromatic & Pharmaceutical plants that our family buisness has, you will find lavender, oregano, rosemary, marjoram, mint, thyme, sage, camomile, mountain tea and essential oils of lavender, rosemary, thyme, oregano and laurel which are well known for their pharmaceutical, cosmetic and antiseptic values.

Our plants are waterd only from the rain, that causes them to have an even stronger scent and be even more eco friendly. We love and respect the enviroment that allows us to cultivate our plants, therefore we collect everything by hand and try to use the least amount of energy to dry and pack our products.


Kalon Oros Estate | Organic, Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Products Kefalonia Herbs
Kalon Oros Estate | Organic, Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Products Kefalonia Medicinal Plants
Kalon Oros Estate | Organic, Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Products Kefalonia Traditional products
Kalon Oros Estate | Organic, Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Products Kefalonia Organic products
Kalon Oros Estate | Organic, Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Products Kefalonia Essential oils
Kalon Oros Estate | Organic, Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Products Kefalonia Organic pink garlic from Erissos
27511 Visitors:

Karya Erisos, Kefalonia

Telephone: 2674051862
Mobile: 6937199938

Working Hours
